With higher densification in urban centers, issues of sound insulation are becoming increasingly important in North America.
In recognition of this fact, the 2015 edition of the National Building Code of Canada sees a change from requirements for building element performance, and this free half-day presentation will review the new sound insulation requirements, review solutions of compliance, and highlight the implications for the industry.
The aim of this free presentation, brought to you by Owens Corning Canada, is to review the key changes to fire safety requirements in Part 3 and Part 9 of the 14th edition of National Building Code of Canada.
To RSVP, email Tyler Simpson (tyler.simpson@owenscorning.com) at Owens Corning Canada.
Where & When:
George Brown College: Waterfront Campus (Daphne Cockwell Centre for Health Sciences)
51 Dockside Drive, Toronto, Ontario M5A 0B6
Parking lots: http://en.parkopedia.ca/ parking/51_dockside_drive_toronto/
Meeting Room: Auditorium Room 237
June 17th, 2016
7:30 am Registration & Light Breakfast
8:30 am Introduction & Safety
8:45 am New Sound Insulation Requirements in 2015 National Building Code of Canada
10:15 am BREAK
10:45 am Overview of Changes to Fire Safety Requirements in 2015 National Building Code of Canada
11:45 am Owens Corning & Lafarge Acoustic Flooring System
12:00 pm Introduction to Thermafiber
12:15 pm Closing Remarks & End
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